Talk to the Veterans Crisis Line now: 24/7 Availability.... Call, Text, Chat Online
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Looking for Support?

AA Serenity Begins Here

- Daily Meetings
- Attendance Verifications
- Meeting Time: 8p EST
- Newcomers Meeting focusing on your sobriety and helping you through the steps while ensuring you know there are people who have been where you are now.
- Website:
- Zoom Number:
797 453 4774

AA Intergroup

- Daily Meetings
- Ask if they provide Attendance Verifications
- 24 Hour Meeting Times
- Verify if they have a password, email them before you try to join the meeting instead of last minute.
- Website:
If you enjoy the meeting, write down the Zoom Number.

NA / EA Meeting Search

- Daily Meetings
- Ask if they provide Attendance Verifications
- 24 Hour Meeting Times
- Verify if they have a password, email them before you try to join the meeting instead of last minute.
- Website:
If you enjoy the meeting, write down the Zoom Number.

EA Meeting Link:

Military Crisis Line: Suicide Prevention

- Signs: Feeling Anxious or Alone and thinking about suicide, Feeling Hopeless, Increasing Risky Behavior, Substance Use, Feeling Agitation.
-During the Holidays, times can be even tougher for Veterans. There is help for you, just ask.
- Phone Number:
1-800-273-8255 Press 1
- Confidential Chat:
Suicide Prevention Chat: 24/7 Confidential Help
- 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days a Week
- Ways to Contact: Call, Text, Chat Online, Support for Deaf & Hard of Hearing
- Website:
No matter what you are experiencing, there is support to get your life back on track.